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Makes a better REALITY
We build exceptional, multidisciplinary teams with diverse backgrounds in finance, law,
architecture, urban planning, sustainability, arts, psychology, and beyond,
bringing a 360° perspective to
real estate investment and management
Assaf Vardi
Founder &
Managing Partner
Miki Vardi
Founder &
Ohad Rozen
Founder &
Managing Partner
Dan Menachem Partner
Aviad Mor, Arch Chief of Project Management
Michael Haim, ADV Partner, Initiation & Project Management
Adi Dvir, Arch
Planning & Design Manager,
Project Planning Department
Bar Dror, CPA, ADV Business Development, Corporate Acquisitions
Elad Toledo
Planning Manager,
Project Planning Department
Emilia Kaufman, Urban Planner Project Manager, Project Planning Department
Keren Zfat, ADV
Legal Advisor,
Initiation Department
Korin Uzan, Real Estate Appraiser
Business Development,
Initiation Department
Nir Forer, ADV Business Development
Oz Cvodi, Real Estate Appraiser
Initiation Department
Ohad Mograbi Project Manager, Project Planning Department
Sapir Vesely, Real Estate Appraiser
Partner Assistant
Tomer Rephael
Project Management Department Manager,
Project Planning Department
Yuval Tamir, ADV
Urban Construction Planning Manager, Project
Planning Department
Dalit Meretz Vardi Chief of People
Shay Zfadia Partner, Professional Department Manager
Yehuda Granas
Partner & Business
Development Manager
Elie Moshe, CPA Head of Investor Relations
Assi Bar Ulpan Project Management, Impact Department
Avital Hepher
Project Management,
Impact Department
Aviv Senior, CPA
Operation Manager, Investor
Relations Department
Aviv Negbi Impact Department Manager
Daniel Harel, Real Estate Appraiser Professional Department
Dvir Shushan, Real Estate Appraiser Real Estate Appraiser, Professional Department
Nicole Banyan Spielman, ADV Business Development, Initiation Department
Ofir Charlap Rivlin
Innovation Manager
Ori Nir-Winter ESG & Advot Fund Manager
Rafael Havasov-Cohen Real Estate Appraiser, Professional Department
Stav Arbel Sigler Project Manager, Marketing Department
Yael Myara-Polani Head of Marketing
Edo Blecher, CPA Partner, CFO
Nadav Lindenberg, CPA
Finance Department Manager,
Finance Department
Ronen Sharon Arena CEO
Ana Grinberg
Finance Department
Gal Bodner, CPA Controller, Finance Department
Avi Itzhakov, CPA
Economic Department Manager
Michal Mazor Personal Assistant
Moshe Ezuz, CPA
Finance Department
Ohad Markus
Property Operations
Manager, Asset
Management Department
Oksana Margolin
Finance Department
Orly Patkayev
Tenant Bookkeeper,
Finance Department
Rivka Mordechai
Finance Department
Sigal Dadon Office Manager
Tom Barda
Investor Relations Department
Yahel Kellerman, CPA
Financial Manager,
Finance Department
Yossi Manzur Administration
Founder &
Managing Partner
Adv. Assaf Vardi is the founder and managing partner of the Reality Funds Group. For the past 22 years, Assaf has been involved in initiation, management, and improvement of complex real estate projects. From 2003-2008, he held the position of Business Development Manager for a public company specializing in initiating and investing in a variety of real estate projects. Assaf also owns and manages a number of private companies, and he has been investing in real estate since 1996. Assaf holds a Bachelor of Laws degree as well as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Reichman University in Herzliya.
Real Estate Appraiser Dan Menachem is the Head of Acquisitions Department at Reality Fund. Dan has a wealth of experience in marketing and managing real estate, specializing in the identification of properties, conducting feasibility studies, valuations, acquisition and betterment. Dan holds a BA in Business Administration and Land Appraisal from the College of Management.
Partner, CFO
Edo is a Partner and CFO in the Reality Group, among other things he monitors all aspects of assets’ realization in our Group. As a finance professional, He holds extensive experience in the capital markets and the local real estate market and served as a prominent team member in raising the Group’s fourth investment fund. Before joining REALITY, Edo was a supervisor of a team of CPAs and interns at BDO accounting firm Technology and Global cluster.
Edo holds a BA in Accounting and Economics from the Hebrew University and an MBA from Tel Aviv University.
Founder &
Dr. Michael (Miki) Vardi is the founding partner and chief investment officer of the Reality Funds Group. Dr. Vardi, former head of the Israeli National Lands Administration, has filled various managerial and consulting roles in several real estate companies over the past 30 years. He is also a senior partner in several private real estate companies. Dr. Vardi, among other responsibilities, oversaw the construction plans of thousands of housing units in Israel and represented foreign investors who own properties in Israel. Over the years, he has advised leading firms in promoting various real estate properties in both the private and public sectors. Since 1996, he has operated companies under his private holding to promote, manage, and execute real estate projects in Israel. Dr. Vardi holds a master's degree in performance research from the Israeli Technion in Haifa and a PhD in risk management from the University of Bergen in Norway and specializes in decision-making under conditions of uncertainty.
Founder &
Managing Partner
CPA Ohad Rosen is a founder and managing partner of the Reality Funds Group. Ohad specializes in valuations, accountant financial opinions, strategic consulting as well as guiding and managing companies in financial difficulties. Since 2005, he has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the largest cement carrier in Israel, "TAAVURA TIFZORET". From 2001 to 2005, Ohad served as a director at "New Pharm Drugstores" and "New Pharm Romania". Prior to that, from 1997-2000, he worked as an accountant with the accounting and financial consulting firm Yitzhak Suari & Co. Ohad holds a bachelor's degree in accounting and economics from the Tel Aviv University.
Partner, Professional Department Manager
Real Estate Appraiser Shay Zfadia is a Partner and the Head of our Professional Department. Shay has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the real estate market. He holds a BA in Business Administration, A Master of Laws from Bar Ilan University and Land Appraisal from the Israel Academic College.
Partner & Business
Development Manager
Yehuda is a Partner and leads the business development in the Reality Group. He holds extensive experience in founding and leading startups that generate both positive social-environmental impact and financial revenues.
Yehuda holds a BA in Behavioral Sciences from the Ruppin Academic Center, a certificate in Group Facilitation as well as a certificate in Positive Psychology.